Quotable Stuff
About.com - All in one search page allows you to search various quotation search engines.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations - Searchable quotations site, provided in electronic format by Project Bartleby at Columbia University.
Creative Quotations - Search quotes from famous people by keyword, author, and source, or by author's day of birth, nationality, and profession.
About.com - All in one search page allows you to search various quotation search engines.
Bibliomania - Hundreds of searchable full-text works of writing.
Maridadi.com: Quotations - Offers a multi-search of major search engines and specialist sources including The Quotations Page, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, Quoteland, Motivational Quotes, and Project Gutenberg.
Quotations at Bartleby.com - Search 86,000 quotes for all occasions.
Advertising Quotes - Indexed notes on advertising.
All Things William - 10,000 quotes based on the name William in its various forms and offered in the spirit of sharing and celebration!
Animal quotations - Animal quotations and quips about dogs and cats. Quotes about our favorite pets.
Annabelle's Quotation Guide - Organized by topic and author, quote-o-gram, weekly quotes mailing, and a quote of the week.
Anyara's Aphorisms - Quotations sorted by topic, with the speaker's sun sign noted.
Aphorisms Galore - Find witty sayings by author or category, read background information, and contribute favorite sayings.
AtoZquotes.com - A large searchable database of quotations featuring commonly requested quotation categories.
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations - Searchable quotations site, provided in electronic format by Project Bartleby at Columbia University.
Board of Wisdom - Share and debate famous quotes, sayings and witticisms.
Born Today - Quotes by, pictures of, and links to information about people who were born on each day of the year.
Brain Candy: Celebrity Quotations - Advice given by well known people. Also famous put downs or insults.
BrainyQuote - Thousands of quotes grouped by topic and by author.
Conservation Best Quotes around the World - Conservation and Environmental Quotes.
Creative Quotations - Search quotes from famous people by keyword, author, and source, or by author's day of birth, nationality, and profession.
Critial Thought and Religious Liberty - Quotes - Includes pages with quotes from America's founding fathers, Albert Einstein, Adolph Hitler, and Stephen Jay Gould.
Crystal Clouds - Providing quotations on a range of topics and by a number of famous and lesser known figures of both past and present
Daily Miscellany: Archive of Quotations - Inspirational words on a variety of topics.
Daily Quotation Server - Poetry, literature, science, philosophy and rare quotes with online browsing, searching, daily email mailing, user voting and no banners.
Dictionary of Quotations - Famous and inspiring quotations organized by subject and author.
DividingLine.com - Quotations by philosophers, poets, and psychologists, with additional sayings about nature and love/romance.
Elibron Wit & Wisdom - Thousands of famous quotations organized by categories.
Food Quotations - Quotations about food, ranging from the humorous to the philosophical, by everyone from Confucius to Mark Twain.
GIGA Quotes - This collection of quotations, aphorisms, maxims, proverbs, mottoes, book excerpts, and poems is browsable by author or cross-referenced topic.
Great Aviation Quotes - Thoughts on flying, airplanes, and being a pilot.
House of Quotes - Quotes categorized by topic.
Indian Infoline: Words of Wisdom - A collection of quotations organised in categories.
Insight Quotes - Collection of quotations as well as a free Daily Insight e-mail.
The Institution of Silly & Meaningless Sayings - The study of isms. Current database holds almost 450 isms heard at first hand.
Liberty Quotes - Quotations about freedom and the responsibility that goes with it, organized by category and author with a searchable index.)
Libraries and Librarians - Famous words about libraries.
Literature Quotations from LiteratureClassics.com - More than 10,000 quotations from literature texts, covering Chaucer to modern writers. Organised according to author and fully searchable.
Little Sayings - This is a searchable site for sayings, quotes and aphorisms. There are over 1600 sayings with 159+ categories.
Love-Quotes.org - Love quotes and sayings.
Mark's Quotes - A selection of motivational and self-help quotations as well as other topics in random order.
Matthew Doucette's Quotes - Scientific, inspirational, and intelligence quotations.
MemorableQuotations.com - Quotations gleaned from the writings and speeches of the world's most memorable individuals.
Military Quotes, Mottos, Jokes and Humor - Military quotations and other material, including Murphy's Laws of Combat, Military mottos, military jokes and other military humor.
The Movie Quote Quiz; The Colossal Quote Archive - Sound bites from movies. Sorted by movie, not searchable.
Noring Collection of Quotations - Huge single page from the alt.quotations newsgroup.
Notable Quotables - A large collection of quotes searchable by both subject and author.
The Other Pages: Quotations - Over 20,000 quotes searchable by topic and author.
PacMall Famous Quotes - Includes famous quotes, poems, and links of famous people from Albert Einstein to Willy Wonka on life, love, laughs, friendship, and poems.
PhotoMatt JazzQuotes - A growing collection of quotes by famous jazz musicians, organized by artist. You can suggest your own and search the current ones.
The Phrase Finder - A large archive of phrases, sayings, quotes and cliches, with their meanings and origins. Give it a word and it will return a related list.
Phrases Worth Considering - About a hundred proverbs and famous quotations, sorted by subject, selected by Gunnar Hjalmarsson.
Psycho Proverb Zone - Humorous and thought provoking quotations and proverbs.
The Quotable Writer - Humorous, thought-provoking, and inspirational quotations about the craft of writing and the publishing business.
Quotation Center - Over 13,000 quotes searchable by author or subject.
The Quotation Database - Quotations from both modern and historical figures.
Quotation Library - Searchable database of quotations with author and subject indexes.
Quotation Ring Mailing List - Mailing list and archive; accepts contributions.
Quotations - Learn about clichés, euphemisms, quotes from famous people, and how to use quotations in written text. From About.com.
Quotations - Multilingual collection of sayings arranged by the person quoted, profession of the person, or language.
The Quotations and Sayings Database - Portal to quotation collections.
The Quotations Archive - A database of quotations. Contains a special section on love and marriage, useful for wedding toasts.
Quotations Central - 1200 quotations sorted by subject.
Quotations of Hope and Imagination - Sorted by topic. Daily emailing service available.
The Quotations Page - Search through nine different collections.
Quote Garden - Sorted by subject: inspirational, thought-provoking, humorous, and literary; quotes for occasions and greetings.
Quote Geek - Searchable index of quotations from movies, television, literature, celebrities, and theater.
Quote Me On It - Large collection of quotations organized by subject and author.
Quotecha - Quotations presented randomly, and also searchable.
QuoteKingdom - Three thousand quotations by hundreds of famous people, arranged alphabetically.
Quote-O-Matic - Quotes arranged by topic and category. Searchable by author or keyword. Display random quotes in a category.
Quotes - Serious quotes, funny quotes, prudent advice and words of wisdom. Also includes quotes from Wolman suite 510.
Quotesland - Over 13,000 quotes searchable by category and author. Also includes a random quote feature, the ability to submit quotes, and a forum.
QuoteWorld.org - A large comprehensive site with a search engine.
Quotez - Over 13500 quotations searchable by subject and by author. Daily quote mailing list, quotation software.
RhymeZone - Quotes sorted by author, searchable by content.
Roger's Collection of Famous Quotations - Quip, proverbs and sayings by famous and not so famous people that ranges from Aristotle to Warren Zevon featuring Albert Einstein, Mae West and W.C. Fields.
Russian Book: Quotation - English-language quotes, aphorisms, jokes, Irish toasts and blessings, movie quotes, and proverbs; with some content in Russian.
Sad Quotes - Quotations sorted into sad songs, sad words and sad films.
Said What - Hand-picked collection quotations.
Sententiae - Multilingual open source database of quotations, aphorisms, and sayings. Unrestricted searching and browsing. Free registration required to edit.
Silken Tiger Fuzzy Frolics - Unique selection of quotes and sayings, including interactive quotes exchange.
Simpson's Contemporary Quotations - Simpson, James B. 1988. Simpson's Contemporary Quotations from the Bartleby project.
Speculative Fiction for the Web - Thought-provoking and humurous quotes on writing, life, and the writing life.
Spicy Quotes - Famous quotations from great minds. Search by author, subject or text.
ThinkExist.com Quotations - Browse or search thousands of quotes by author, topic and contributor. Provides a way to save your favorite quotes.
The Time of your Life - Collections based on the idea of time.
Timely Quotes - Features timely quotes from the 19th and 20th century.
To Tell A Quote - Quotes on people, life, vegetarianism, history, and love. Updated often. Wide variety of links.
Vivamiracle! - Quotations, searchable database, jokes, and music.
Wall of Theorgy - Collection of quotes, thoughts, ideas, humor, and mental stimuli ranging from famous quotes to the webmasters thoughts.
Who Said That - Meaningful quotes from a wide variety of sources.
Wikiquote - A free quote database built collaboratively using Wiki software, a sister project to Wikipedia. (GNU Free Documentation License)
Wish I'd Said That! - A personal collection of over 4,300 quotations, professionally presented, with all the biographical and citation info I could dig up for each.
WordSkit - Quotations, categorized by source, includes examples of quotation mythology; wrongful attribution and misquotation.
Wordz - This site is a collection of quotations grouped by subject, including love, dreams, writing, and last words, among others.
World of Quotes - Over 14,000 quotes arranged by topic and author.
Zenkou - New classical quotes added weekly.